Eye Center
Tagaytay Medical Center’s Eye Center provides diagnosis and treatment of various eye conditions. Our team of ophthalmologists, supported by modern eye equipment, aim to preserve and restore vision to improve quality of one’s life.

The department offers the following services:
- Visual field
Testing for glaucoma and secondary cataract
Glaucoma screening
Glaucoma Full Visual Field -
Treatment for Glaucoma and Secondary cataract
Yag Laser Capsulotomy
Yag laser iridotomy - Biometry
- (A – Scan) contact method for measurement of intraocular lens diopter power.
- Cataract Surgery
- Using the OertliPhacoemalcification Machine and Surgical Microscope.
- Fundus Photography
For more information, please visit or call:
Eye Center
4th floor, Tagaytay Medical Center
Mon – Sat: 9:00am – 6:00pm
Mobile No.: 0993 363 9440
Tel No.: 483 0134 local 1070